Monday, March 8, 2010

Sexy Hot Russian Women - Anna Kournikova

Sexy Hot Russian Women - Anna Kournikova

Sexy Hot Russian Women - Anna Kournikova

So Anna Kournikova is so hot that she deserves a double pic! For completeness sake, I will give a brief introduction to Anna, but if you’re reading this blog, you should know who she is. Anna was a bit of a trailblazer when it came to getting a name for yourself in sports, but not for sports. That is, if you’re hot, then it makes absolutely no difference whether you’re good or not if you are sexy and take really good pictures. Anna’s tennis career has been mediocre at best, but when she came on the scene everyone stopped. She became so popular that a computer virus with her name spread so quickly because people’s minds went out the window and would click on anything with her name on it. She has been dating Enrique Iglesias for many years and, although not married, are very much together.

In this picture (or pictures), you see two very different sides to Anna. In the left picture, you see what, in my opinion, is the sexier of the two. Her hair is naturally wet and hanging in front, her top really shows off her small breasts really well and her somewhat hippy frame is concealed really well. What makes this part of the picture are her eyes, though. Her eyes have a wanting in them that is quite seductive.

The right picture shows a cheeky and playful side. She’s holding up her hair in this picture and her eyes and mouth tell a much different story than the other one. These are eyes and a smirk of mischief. This look shows that she wants to be bad at that moment and she has selected you as her partner in crime. I’m not a huge fan of her clothing choice because it does show her body imperfections. The attitude makes up for it, though.

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